Synopsis: ‘After a heist goes terribly wrong, Casey Stein (Nicholas Hoult) finds himself on the run from a ruthless gang headed by mob boss Hagen (Anthony Hopkins). Now Casey has precious cargo that belongs to Hagen, who will stop at nothing to retrieve it. Left with no choice, Casey calls his former employer and drug smuggler Geran (Ben Kingsley) to protect his long-time girlfriend Juliette before Hagen gets his hands on her. Casey sets out on an adrenaline-fueled car chase on the German highways to save the love of his life before it’s too late.’
Welcome To The Punch helmer Eran Creevey directs the film, which also stars the excellent Felicity Jones. It’ll be in cinemas later this year.
Take a look at the new trailer for the rather cool looking film below. [Read more…]
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