Sideways and About Schmidt director Alexander Payne has wanted to make Downsizing for a long time. It’s only now he’s managed to, with those who’ve seen it suggesting that this is Payne on a larger scale than we’ve seen before, but still with his idiosyncratic take on things.
Here’s the synopsis: ‘Downsizing imagines what might happen if, as a solution to over-population, Norwegian scientists discover how to shrink humans to five inches tall and propose a 200-year global transition from big to small. People soon realize how much further money goes in a miniaturized world, and with the promise of a better life, everyman Paul Safranek (Matt Damon) and wife Audrey (Kristen Wiig) decide to abandon their stressed lives in Omaha in order to get small and move to a new downsized community — a choice that triggers life-changing adventures.’
The movie, which stars Matt Damon, Kristen Wiig, Christoph Waltz and Jason Sudeikis, is out in the US in December, and arrive in the UK on January 19th. Take a look at the trailer below.
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