The clock is ticking on Fox’s planned reboot of Daredevil, as the studio has just only two months to start production before the rights revert back to Marvel Studios. Fox is now in talks with director Joe Carnahan to helm this reboot after David Slade dropped out, although the studio may be able to strike a deal with Marvel for a production extension.
At the moment filming must begin by October 10th on the movie, although Variety says Fox may be able to delay that by exchanging the rights to certain characters from the Fantastic Four world, including the villain Galactus and The Silver Surfer. Fox has the rights to Fantastic Four and all of its characters, and is currently gearing up for a new reboot from Chronicle director Josh Trank. It isn’t known how Marvel plans to use these characters, although it is possible they could show up in their Guardians of the Galaxy movie or Avengers 2.
Since that Variety report, Deadline has come forward saying insiders state that Fox has no desire to give up any Fantastic Four characters to Marvel, as they’re pleased with the direction Trank’s reboot is taking. This may mean Daredevil will revert back to Marvel, as while the studio still has until October 10th, that’s very little time to set things up considering no director is firmly attached at the moment. If Daredevil does go ahead, the current incarnation is described as “Frank Miller-esque hardcore ’70s thriller”, which could be interesting.