Ridley Scott normally spends month, sometimes years, developing movies, but in the last few weeks The Counselor has come out of nowhere, nabbed Ridley as a director and will start shooting May 1st. There’s a good reason things have come together fast, as that’s because it’s the first script by acclaimed writer Cormac McCarthy.
A couple of weeks ago it was reported Michael Fassbender was circling the movie, and now Deadline reports the actor has been confirmed for the film, which will reunite him with Ridley following this summer’s Prometheus.
Insiders have said The Counselor is “No Country For Old Men on steroids, about a respected lawyer who thinks he can dip a toe in to the drug business without getting sucked down. It is a bad decision and he tries his best to survive it and get out of a desperate situation.
Now Scott is moving on to finding his very evil bad guy, who Deadline compares to No Country’s Javier Bardem. Names such as Jeremy Renner, Bradley Cooper and Brad Pitt are being bandied about, but there’s nothing certain.