The Tapes’ premise could easily make it another Blair Witch Project wannabe. Three teenagers decide to investigate a local swingers club and come across a devil worshipping cult, all the while holding cameras. At times the film runs the risk of falling in to Blair Witch territory, but convincing performances from the main cast help to make it slightly more compelling.
Its easy to believe them as real teenagers they squabble, make dumb decisions and play silly pranks on each other. And when theyre scared, you become scared for them. Some authenticity is also added by the location shooting, which makes it seem like these events could really happen in England.
However, the actors dont do enough to raise this film from its own mediocrity. Considering this is meant to be a horror film, I didnt get scared once throughout (and I was watching this is a darkened room all alone). The attempts to shock are very cheap and predictable. The film also has major pacing issues. For most of the film you simply follow the characters screwing about and finding the occasional clue that the farm theyre on is used for cult activity.
Nothing much really happens until the last 20 minutes of the film and as a result the ending feels incredibly rushed. They see the cult sacrifice a goat and are discovered one by one. Done, dusted, show text describing what happened next and this is all meant to be true, roll credits.
Overall Verdict: Another found footage film in a market overstuffed with them, but the impressive acting from the main cast makes the film worth viewing.
Special Features:
Making of documentary
Interviews with the director/writer and the main cast.
Reviewer: Matt Mallinson