For a while it looked like the follow-up to Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be able to scare up the same sort of star-filled cast of the first movie, but then director Garry Marshall really got to work and managed to sign up an impressive list of talent. As you can see from the trailer below, the movie features Ashton Kutcher, Robert De Niro, Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel, Zac Efron, Carla Gugino, Jessica Biel, Sofia Vergara, Alyssa Milano, Lea Michele, Michelle Pfeiffer, Hilary Swank, Halley Berry, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sienna Miller, Julie Andrew, Jon Bon Jovi, John Lithgow and loads more. The set up is similar to Valentine’s Day, but this time set on New Year’s Eve, with the lives of several couples and singles in New York intertwining over the course of the day. Click below to take a look and marvel at the cast list, even if the film itself doesn’t look that thriller.