In terms of cinematic originality, creativity and high energy lunacy, Raimi has never really topped his micro-budget horror debut. Lets face it, there is more imagination in Raimis sick and wickedly funny The Evil Dead than in all three Spidey films combined. Slowly becoming a cult hit and subsequent sensation thanks to word of mouth and overwhelming popularity on VHS, The Evil Dead has since become a beloved genre classic and a movie that has influenced an entire generation of directors.
Making its very welcome debut on Blu-ray, The Evil Dead takes the hi-def world by storm with a fine presentation and a selection of splatter-tastic extras that will certainly please the films hardcore fanbase.
While the film originally shot on 16mm for about a fiver was never going to look like, well, Spider-Man 3 in hi-def, decent colour saturation and a cleaner picture still manage to impress. The picture still retains that grubby, scratchy, drive-in look, but contrast and colour have been improved greatly, and without a doubt, the films looking better than Raimi and co. would have ever thought possible at the time of making it. Again, the audio isnt a room-rumbling sensation like your average Hollywood blockbuster, but the DTS Master Audio does a wonderful job with the great score, the richly atmospheric sound effects and the clear dialogue.
The special features are pretty great too and include a brilliant and brand-spanking new commentary with the three stooges themselves (the director, producer and star), Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert and Bruce Campbell. The Blu-ray also includes an awesome picture-in-picture function which features pop-up videos with a selection of horror luminaries ,who discuss and praise the film throughout. Also included in the package is an insightful Untold Story documentary and tons of bonus on-set footage.
Overall Verdict: A subsequent special edition will inevitably emerge sooner or later, but this Blu-ray edition of the legendary The Evil Dead is a great start to the films life in hi-def.
Special Features:
BD Live
Commentary with Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert and Bruce Campbell
Picture-In-Picture: Join Us! The Undying Legacy of The Evil Dead
The Untold Story Of The Evil Dead Documentary
Treasures from the Cutting Room Floor Behind The Scenes Footage
At The Drive-In Featurette
Discovering Evil Dead Featurette
Make-Up Test
Reviewer: Lee Griffiths