When Darren Aronofsky’s name was first mentioned in relation to Wolverine 2, it seemed like the sort of story that was going to turn out to be untrue, or at least based on the scantest of facts. However despite the fact he said no to the project in August, Deadline reports that not only is he back at the negotiating table, but his deal is almost done.
To show how serious he is about taking on Wolverine’s next adventure, the Black Swan and Wrestler director has passed on helming Tales From The Gangster Squad, a project Warner Bros. offered him after they decided not to hire him for Superman.
Wolverine still seems an odd choice for a director who’s known for being idiosyncratic, especially as it’ll be difficult for him to take things too far from the first film. However it does offer a very healthy payday, with Fox offering him $5 million against 5% of the gross. It would also reunite his with Hugh Jackman, who starred in Aronofky’s The Fountain, Indeed, keeping Jackman happy is perhaps as much the reason for Aronofsky’s hiring as the director’s obvious talent. No deal has been closed yet, but it appears it’s only a matter of time.