You can’t handle the truth! They made a great pairing in A Few Good Men and now it appears Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson may be getting back together for El Presidente, with Cruise playing a Secret Service agent and Nicholson as an ex-President.
The LA Times has the news, saying that ‘In El Presidente, the Cruise and Nicholson characters, while opposites in temperament, wouldn’t be antagonists – they’d actually be on the run together when a threat is made on the life of the ex-president. But Nicholson would get to play a colorful, flawed older man against Cruise’s devoted idealist.’
Warner Bros. recently bought the script from Parks & Recreation’s Daniel J. Goor. At the moment Cruise is attached to the project, but Nicholson has only received an offer, and there’s no info on whether he’s even interested. It would be good to see the duo back together, but we’ll have to wait and see if it actually happens.