Still king of the zombie movies and one of the greatest horror films ever made period, George Romeros chilling and amusing tale of survival in a world overrun by zombies is as smart and unsettling as it was the day it was made. Focusing on a small band of survivors who hold up in a shopping mall while a zombie plague spreads like wildfire throughout the world, Romeros film is a tense and epic dissection of a decaying civilisation, complete with exploding heads, Hare Krishna zombies and a custard pie fight to end all custard pie fights.
Certainly, with a pinch of social commentary and a whole lotta gore, Dawn of the Dead is the ultimate zombie movie and Romeros unsurpassed masterpiece. But, what makes Arrow Videos release of the film different from the many releases that came before it? Well, lots actually.
This is by far the finest DVD edition of Dawn of the Dead to make it to these shores. Taking the nod from Anchor Bays mighty Ultimate Edition in the US, Arrow have pulled out all of the stops to bring us Brits the definitive edition of Romeros tour de force, which includes three versions of the film and more extras than you can shake a bloody dismembered arm at.
Included in this fine four-disc box set is the original and best known Theatrical Cut of Dawn of the Dead, clocking in at 126 minutes, plus the Directors Cut, which is basically the version that Romero sent off to Cannes without much in the way of cuts (this is the longest version, running at 139 minutes). Perhaps one of the rarer cuts, and an interesting version to watch in contrast to the longer version, is the Argento Cut, which features Dario Argentos Goblin soundtrack and a much leaner running time of 117 minutes. While wed opt for the longer version over the other two cuts any day of the week (the more the better, right?), its great to be able to opt for the version that suits your undead mood.
While the three versions of the movie are more than enough to warrant a purchase, Arrows long list of extras adds even more incentive with an impressive list of bonus goodies. Included are numerous commentaries, the excellent The Dead Will Walk documentary, the stunning Document of the Dead documentary and tones of publicity vault material. On top of that, this beautifully presented set features four sleeve art options, a poster and a collectors booklet. Its just what every zombie geek has been dreaming of.
Overall Verdict: An exquisite set and the best UK DVD edition of Dawn of the Dead by far.
Special Features:
Audio Commentaries with Cast and Crew
The Dead Will Walk Documentary
Publicity Vault Material
Screen Greats Documentary
Document of the Dead Documentary
Document of the Dead: The Lost Interview and Deleted Scenes
Fan of the Dead Documentary
Reviewer: Lee Griffiths