You’d have thought that following the success of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Hollywood would be throwing money at Gore Verbinski to make any movie he wants to, but after leaving the planned fourth Pirates film, he’s had a lot of trouble getting projects, such as a planned adaptation of the videogame Bioshock, off the ground.
Now it looks like he may be thinking of re-teaming with Johnny Depp and producer Jerry Bruckheimer, but this time for The Lone Ranger rather than anything pirate related. The movie has been in development for quite a while, but with Depp’s busy schedule and Disney’s desire to get Pirates 4 in cinemas as soon as possible, it keeps getting delayed (not to mention worries that with Depp reportedly wanting to play Tonto, that the studio may be getting into sticky racial terrirtory).
Deadline reports that while no proper deal has yet been made, but that Verbinski is “getting serious” about making The Lone Ranger his next directorial outing, especially now that his animated effort, Rango, is nearing completion.