David Oyelowo has come a long way from just being the guy off Spooks, carving out a film career for himself with the likes of The Last King of Scotland, A Sound of Thunder, As You Like It and the upcoming Rise of the Apes.
Now he’s got a new role, with Variety reporting that he’ll star in The Help, based on Kathryn Stockett’s novel about a young writer (Emma Stone) who decides to interview a series of black maids in the 1960s south for a new book, with the revelations causing uproar in the middle-class racist society.
The already very good cast includes Stone, Bryce Dallas Howard, Allison Janney, Sissy Spacek, Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer, with Oyelowo signing up to play a southern preacher.
The Tate Taylor directed movie (he got the job as he’s a childhood friend of Stockett) is shooting now in Mississippi and will be in cinemas next year.