Olivia Thirlby (Juno) is one of those hot young things who isn’t that famous, but whose name always comes up when parts for young actresses are discussed. However it’s yet to be seen whether she can move that interest into a sustained career. She’s now landed a role that should help out though, playing the female lead in the reboot of Judge Dredd.
Variety reports that she’ll star alongside Karl urban in the movie, playing Cassandra Anderson, a rookie cop who’s alos telepathic, and gets mentored by the Judge himself. in a future where a group of elite police have been given sole power to be judge, jury and executioner of the bad guys.
Meanwhile, over at IM Global (a sales and distibution company behind the film), they’re reporting that the movie has a new name, and will be simply known as Dredd, and they also offer this new apparently official synopsis, ‘Dredd takes us to the wild streets of Mega City One, the lone oasis of quasi-civilization on Cursed Earth. Judge Dredd (Karl Urban) is the most feared of elite Street Judges, with the power to enforce the law, sentence offenders and execute them on the spot – if necessary. The endlessly inventive mind of writer Alex Garland and the frenetic vision of director Peter Travis bring Dredd to life as a futuristic neo-noir action film that returns the celebrated character to the dark, visceral incarnation from John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra’s revered comic strip.’
Pete Travis is directing the film, which will hit cinemas in 2012.