Now here’s something nuts for the uber-dedicated Lost fan, as to celebrate the release of Lost The Final Season on Blu-ray and DVD on Monday 13th September, Britain’s first ever public TV marathon is being held, where you can watch all 121 episodes back-to-back!
Starting with the pulse-pounding pilot episode at 10am on Monday 13th September at the Prince Charles Cinema in London’s Leicester Square, they’ll continue airing episodes of the series back-to-back right through to the bitter end. Almost astoundingly, even running them 24-hours a day, the event won’t end until the afternoon of Thursday September 16th.
Only 280 super-dedicated people will be allowed in, to see who’s the last one standing, with the organisers recommending attendees bring sleeping bags and packed lunches, to ensure that while they watch as much of the show as possible, they don’t completely overdo it during the 80 hours the event will last! Everyone who gets in will also receive a goody bad packed full of merchandise.
So are you the world’s biggest Lost fan? Could you stay up for more than three days to watch the entire show from beginning to end with only small breaks? Will doing that eventually lead you to some zen state where you finally understand everything and get the answers to the Lost questions that have have still been haunting you? To pre-register attendance, fans can e-mail (although be warned, pre-registration doesn’t guarantee admittance). Doors open at 9am on September 13th.