Ever since they announced they were turning the final Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, into two films, there’s been much speculation as to exactly where they’d make the chop between the two parts. Now it appears it’s now been properly revealed, although of course, if you don’t want to know, stop reading now, as there are SPOILERS ahead.
Hollywood News reports that in the upcoming edition of EW, they say, “Part I, by the way, will end at about Chapter 24 of the book, with Voldemort gaining possession of the Elder Wand, one of the three Deathly Hallows that allow the bearer to conquer death.”
Hollywood News adds that this “seems to indicate that Part 2 will consist almost entirely of the climatic Battle of Hogwarts.” However, this report is slightly confusing, as having just consulted the book, Chapter 24 is around the point Harry and co. are at Malfoy Manor, where they face Voldemort and a much loved character dies. This is pretty much where most people had expected the split to come, as it’s a major turning point and leaves things in a dark place, ready for Part II.
Voldemort doesn’t actually have the Elder Wand at that point, although he is at the gates of Hogwarts (by the end of Chapter 24, that is). That said, there’s still a bit of an adventure to be had before Harry reaches the school, so while much of the film will be the Battle Of Hogwarts (which also takes in a couple of back-stories and diversions), there’s still plenty of plot left to make a full blooded Part II. In fact it’s Part I that’s the problem, as that’s largely going to be Harry, Ron and Hermione fighting and failing to find horcruxes, which may lack the excitement we’ve come to expect from the series.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part I arrives in cinemas on November 19th, with Part II arriving July 15th, 2011.