First a word of warning. While most red band trailers get that designation because of a couple of bad words and perhaps a tiny bit of violence, this once is slightly different, going for the jugular with extreme, bloody violence and nudity – so it’s really only for those over 18 and with a strong constituion. Once more released to tie in with Comic-Con, Robert Rodriguez sells his film on the promise of it being an old style, full-on, grindhouse experience, with all the gruesome violence and boobs you might ever want. Machete stars Danny Trejo as a renegade former Federale, roaming the streets of Texas after a shakedown from drug lord Torrez (Steven Seagal). Reluctantly, Machete takes an offer from spin doctor Benz (Fahey) to assassinate McLaughlin (Robert De Niro), a corrupt Senator. Double crossed and on the run Machete braves the odds with the help of saucy taco slinger Luz (Michelle Rodriguez), Padre (Cheech Marin) his “holy” brother, and April (Lindsay Lohan), a socialite with a penchant for guns. All while being tracked by Sartana (Jessica Alba), a sexy ICE agent with a special interest in the blade slinger.