It only seems five minutes ago that Haley Joel Osment was in need of sex education himself, playing the fresh-faced little kid in The Sixth Sense, but now he’s all grown up and getting ready to play a sex education teacher in the aptly titles Sex Ed.
According to the producers, he’ll play “a college graduate who dreams of teaching high school Algebra but due to budget restraints, ends up teaching sexual education, despite being a virgin. He discovers an unlikely mentor in a blues bar, a ruthless enemy in the local PTA, and a gorgeous Polish girl for whom English is a distant second language.”
The film with be directed by commercials helmer, Issac Feder, who’s making his feature debut with the film. Although Sex Ed sounds a bit low-rent, perhaps it’s what Osment needs to put him back on the movie map, as while he went offf to study acting a few years ago, he hasn’t had many major roles since 2003. (Source: THR)