Christopher Nolan is usually very stringent about not talking about his next movie until he’s completed the previous one. Well, with Inception ready for release in a few weeks time, it seems he’s prepared to finally start spilling the beans, although in usual Nolan style, he’s not telling us much.
For months now there have been hints and speculation that Nolan has started work on his third Batman movie, and now he’s prepared to admit that is indeed where he’s headed next and update on the project’s status. He tells MTV that We know we’re aiming for 2012 [as a release date]. That’s been talked about. We’re just working on the script, really. My brother has been hard at work on it for quite some time. It’s based on a story that myself and David Goyer have written.
It sounds therefore as if the process is working the same as it did for The Dark Knight, with Chris Nolan and David S. Goyer coming up with the story, then Jonathan Nolan writing with input from the director, before Chris starts being more actively involved once he’s wrapped whatever film he’s working on.
However, don’t expect to get any more info out of Nolan yet, as while there have been rumours that the villain will be the Riddler, Penguin or one or more of pretty much anyone who’s battled the Caped Crusader over the years, the director isn’t saying anything. However with work on the script now active, hoepfully we’ll get some more definite news on the villains and possibly some proper casting news in the next few months.
Batman 3 will shoot next year, for release in 2012.