If what we’ve seen so far is anything to go by, Legend Of The Guardians is well in the running to be the most beautiful looking movie of the year. While we’ve had a teaser and a featurette before, now the CG animated film has got a proper trailer, and it’s absolutely gorgeous. While director Zach Snyder will have had to dial down the violence from what he gave us in 300 and Watchmen, he’s still obviously got an eye for visuals. The movie is based on the first three books in Karen Lasky’s series, about young barn owl Soren. He gets kidnapped by the owls of St. Aggie’s, which is meant to be an orphanage but actually brainwashes owlets into becoming soldiers. Soren and his new friends escape to the island of Ga’Hoole, to assist its noble, wise owls who fight the army being created by the wicked rulers of St. Aggie’s. Click below to take watch the traier. Legend Of The Guardians hits UK cinemas on October 15th.