A couple of months ago it was announced that after starting work on a film based on a book called Robopocalypse, Dreamworks love of -pocalypses knew no bounds as they were also developing a film called Monsterpocalypse, based on the kaiju-themed miniatures role-playing game, which sees players battling emeny monsters on game maps that normally look like cities. Not only that, but they were wooing Tim Burton to get involved.
Now Dreamworks has made a movie which seems intended to pique Burton’s interest further, with THR reporting that they’ve hired John August to write the script. Burton and August have a history stretching back to Big Fish, and since then the screenwriter has worked on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride and the upcoming Frankenweenie and Dark Shadows.
As yet, Burton has signed to anything, but Dreamworks is still courting him and hopes to get a deal done. However the main sticking point seems to be scheduling. Burton and star Johnny Depp have previously said Dark Shadows may start filming before the end of the year, which would conflict with Dreamworks plans for Monsterpocalypse. However Depp may want a break after shooting Pirates 4, and even if he doesn’t, if the monsters are intriguing enough, Burton may decide to sign onto Monsterpocalyse anyway, delaying Dark Shadows.
There is another possibility though. When Burton’s name first came up in connection with Monsterpocalypse, Dreamworks was said to be interested in him ‘overseeing’ the movie, which raises the possibility he could produce, with August directing. After all, the screenwriter made The Nines in 2007, so why not hop into the director’s chair again?