Although the American version of The Ring was a big success, the sequel flopped and so it seemed it was the end for the once promising franchise. However now the world has 3D movies and Hollywood is looking around for anything they can milk by adding a third dimension.
A few months ago it was rumoured that Paramount (who kept ownership of The Ring after Spielberg left with the Dreamworks name) was planning to resurrect The Ring franchise, five years on from the mediocre last sequel, and give it a bump by making it in 3D.
That’s been confirmed with a report by THR saying that David Loucka, who wrote the upcoming Daniel Craig and Naomi Watts thriller Dream House, has be hired to pen the script. The studio is also hoping to lure back original producers Walter Parkes and Laurie MacDonald.
It seems we’re unlikely to see Watts back in the main role though, as this time around they’re going to reinvent the franchise and go where Hollywood thinks the money is for horror – teenagers. Although the plot is being kept secret, one potential scenario involves teens finding a VHS player that still works, and starting to die after watching the cursed tape.
Although it’s already sounding a bit straight-to-DVD, the extra dimension should ensure a cinema release, and if other 3D movies are anything to go by, it’ll make a healthy profit irrespective of the quality.