Ever since Sony started to get serious about making Men In Back 3 last year, Josh Brolin’s name has been bandied about as a possible star. There’s been no news on what role he might take, but it seems the idea wasn’t just idle speculation, as Bloody Disgusting reports that he’s still likely to appear in the movie, although it’s not definite yet.
However, a couple of names we haven’t heard before have now cropped up. Sony is now at the stage of having conversations with actors about filling the main roles in the movie, and two men they’re talking to are Sacha Baron Cohen and Flight Of The Conchord’s Jermaine Clement. The character both are up for is apparently called Yaz, although there’s no news on exactly who this is, although it sounds like it could be an alien. As yet, neither actor is locked in for the role.
Expect to hear a lot more news about the film soon though, as the studio is said to want to get the film off the ground as quickly as possible, as they feel they don’t have enough major franchises and so are trying to resurrect some old ones (hence why we’re getting Ghostbusters 3 now as well).