With Steven Soderbergh massing a huge list of star names, from Ewan McGregor to Channing Tatum, for his upcoming Knockout, there must have been a few star names feeling left out and so he’s cast them all in his disease epic, Contagion.
Variety reports that Matt Damon, Jude Law, Kate Winslet and Marion Cotillard are already in talks to star in the film, and we can expect plenty more well-known names to be added to the list. The film is described as following multiple plotlines, in the style of Soderbergh’s Traffic, but detailing what happens after the outbreak of a deadly disease, with the action spread across four continents.
Apparently the idea for the movie was sparked by talk of germs on the set of The Informant and the writer of that movie, Scott Z Burns, will handle the script for Contagion. It seems that while Soderbergh was recently talking about retiring, at the moment he’s not letting up the pace, setting up and making movies at a rate that leaves most of the rest of Hollywood standing. He’s also still planning to make his long-standing Liberace biopic after he finishes Contagion.