In the last few weeks, the plans for The First Avenger: Captain America seems to have been solidifying, with director Joe Johnston moving from the early planning phase into seriously preparing for the shoot. Now news comes via Sci Fi Wire, that we should know who’s playing the lead role very soon.
Johnston told them, “We need to cast it soon. We have a very short list, but we’re still juggling actors here. I’d say within the next couple of weeks we’ll have ourselves a Captain America, I hope.” Unfortunately he didn’t go on to say show was on that list, (rumoured actors include everyone from John Barrowman to Will Smith, but these have always sounded more like speculation than being based on genuine info).
It’ll be interesting to see whether they go for a famous actor or not, as with Thor Marvel plumped for the relatively little known Chris Hemsworth, while Incredible Hulk went a-list with Edward Norton. Sounds like we’ll know soon though.
Shooting is due to start in June, and it looks like they’re preparing to come over to the UK, as that’s where Johnston says the movie is likely to be shot.
The First Avenger: Captain America is due out July, 2011.