I think it’s fairly safe to say that few films have ever had this sort of language and violence coming from an 11-year-old girl. It this rude and blood-splattered new trailer we’re introduced to Kick-Ass character Hit Girl, the 11-year-old daughter of Nic Cage’s Big Daddy, who’s a foul-mouthed, gun toting vigilante in her own right. All I want to know is whether actress Chloe Moretz’s parents read the script before she signed on, as you wonder what they thought when the script called for their little darling to use the ‘c’ word and then blow someone’s brains out. However the trailer is quite cool, although only suitable for over 18s and NSFW. Kick-Ass is in cinemas in April, but click below if you’re over 18 and want to see the Hit Girl trailer.