Everyone loves dolphins, right? In fact if you want to sell something, putting a dolphin on it is probably the best way to go. So a movie about a dolphin would seem a good idea. But how about we go one further and make it about an injured dolphin that gets nursed back to health? You can already see the dollar bills lighting up in studio executives’ eyes.
Well, Screen Daily reports that Alcon Entertainment has got just such a film in the works, called A Dolphin Tale, based on the real life story of Winter, a dolphin who lost her tail as a baby when it got caught in a crab trap. However after being captured and nursed back to health, those around her were motivated to help the dolphin even further by creating a bionic tail for her. The film will follow a young boy who befriends the animal and inspires people to make the creature’s life better.
While the film intends to be inspiring and heartfelt, we can’t help but slightly wish this was an action film, as how cool is a bionic dolphin? It’d be like Robocop, but more watery.
Charles Martin Smith (Air Bud) will write and direct the A Dolphin Tale, which will be released by Warner Bros.