Earlier this month, the New York Times quoted a figure that said it was going to cost $500 million to get Avatar into cinemas, with $230 million spent on the film itself, $150 million on the marketing and the rest going on things such as developing the 3D IMAX cameras James Cameron used on the film. However now Fox Filmed Entertainment chairman Jim Gianopulos has stepped forward to call the $500 million figure “ridiculous”.
He told Reuters that the massive number “Has actually no relationship to the actual cost of the movie. People keep repeating a number, which was as if you added the cost of building the studio 80 years ago to the cost of Avatar.”
While Gianopulos wouldn’t give a precise figure on what Avatar actually cost, he did say, “The movie was quite expensive, there is no question about that. But viewed now, from the perspective of its completion and having seen it, it’s a formidable work and money well spent.”
He also added that he had no doubt the film would turn a profit, especially as it would be going out on 8,000 premium prices 3D screens around the world, and more than double that number in 2D. Fox also shared out the cost of making the movie with two other companies, so that their exposure on Avatar would never be too great.
With all the hype, it’s undoubted Avatar will post big numbers on its opening weekend, although it’ll only continue to make money if the film itself is good, and so far no one outside the studio has seen the movie to be able to tell what it’s actually like. Avatar will be in UK cinemas on December 17th, following its London world premiere on December 10th.