Here’s something intriguing, but which at the moment is only inspired by educated guesswork. However if the dedcution is right, we could be seeing the offsrping of Peter Parker and Mary Jane in Spider-man 4! Spoiler TV got hold of a casting call for the movie, which called for:
2 or 3 year old boy to play 2 year old, Caucasian with RED HAIR, an adorable toddler with an engaging personality, on set experience preferred. IDENTICAL TWINS ONLY
Although it doesn’t specifically say what the role is, it’s quite an unusual casting call, because they usually have multiple characters. It’s also true that the call for a specifically red-haired child suggests it will be related to another red-haired character, and that would most logically lead to it being the kid of Mary-Jane. The need for identical twins is also telling, as normally you only use twins if the child plays a fairly large part in the story, so that you can keep working despite the fact each kid won’t be on set all the time (because of tiredness and child labour laws, etc.). A red-haired child with plenty of time on-screen does suggest that maybe will will be seeing Peter Parker and Mary Jane’s baby.
At the moment the idea that this will be a spider-baby is still speculation, as with no plot details it could be that in the new film Mary Jane has had a child with someone else, it could be one of her relatives, or have nothing to do with her at all (although the red hair is very suggestive).
We’ll just have to wait for more info to see whether Peter Parker is indeed a dad, but the idea of him weighing the responsibilities of fatherhood against his dangerous crime-fighting would seem a logical direction for the Spider-man films to go.