It’s still hard to believe that Ghostbusters 3 will actually happen. There’s been talk about it for years, and even recent news that everyone’s agreed to it in principle (any sequel needs the approval of most of the original main cast, director Ivan Reitman and Sony Pictures) and that a script is officially being developed, can’t quite quell the feeling that it won’t actually happen.
However some good news has appeared through Bloody Disgusting, who’ve confirmed that Ivan Reitman is officially attached to direct Ghostbusters 3. It’s a significant development as up until know he’s seemed a bit stand off-ish about the whole prospect of a third film in the franchise, but he now seems to have warmed to the idea, and it would certainly be fitting if he directed, following his stirling work on the first two movies.
On a less positive not, while he’s attached at the moment, he still hasn’t made a final decision on whether to actually get behind-the-camera on the film, probably because there still isn’t a final script.
Bloody Disgusting also got hold of some info saying that the third film takes place when the paranormal researchers reopen their ghost removal service after it has been closed for quite a few years.
Although we’re still waiting for it to all fall apart at any moment, we really hope everyone gets their act together and Ghostbusters 3 gets made, which will see the old team hadover to a new batch of spook hunters. And if Reitman is directing, that’s all the better.