After the news at the weekend that Danny Trejo would appear in Predators, Latino Review have managed to take a look at the script and got some juicy details on the plot of this official follow up to Arnie alien hunting flick and its Danny Glover starring sequel. They’ve confirmed that rather than being toned down for this PG-13 age, it’s still bloody and gory and offers plenty of what fans want.
Apparently we can also expect more members of the Predator universe to tend up, with the script including ‘Predator hunting dogs’ and ‘Predator falcons’. Although there’s a logic to that, we hope it’s done well, or otherwise it’s going to come across as very silly. Without getting too spoiler-ish, the plot will follow a man called Royce, who is kidnapped by the Predators after they’re impressed by a kill he made and gets dropped via parachute on their home planet. There he meets other stranded humans. None of them know why they’re there, although it becomes apparent when the Predators start hunting them.
Latino Review also reveals that the script includes room for Arnie to make a cameo, although there’s no news yet on whether this will actually happen.
That’s the basics, but if you want a little more info, head over to Latino Review. Production on Predators starts next month, with Nimrod Atal directing and Robert Rodriguz producind, and will be released next summer.