It’s gotten everyone confused, but apparently we now know what going on. Initial reports from various websites suggested that Supermax, the Green Arrow movie that’s been in the works at Warner, had suddenly moved over to Sony, and that because they don’t have the rights to any DC Comics characters, Green Arrow and various super-villains had been dropped from the script.
However this isn’t quite right, as the script called Supermax that Sony has bought, is actually a completely different project, but with the same name and a similar story. The Green Arrow Supermax (sometimes now known as Green Arrow: Escape From Supermax) is about the superhero getting trapped in a maximum security prison for super-villains and having to fights his way out, while Bloody Disgusting is reporting that Sony’s Supermax is about a guard and inmate trying to survive in a maximum sercurity prison for monsters and mad men.
They’re certainly very similar set-ups and you can understand the initial confusion (take away the DC characters and you’ve got the Sony script). It’s tough to imagine both of the similarly themes movies making it to the big screen as major movies. If Sony is detemined to make their Supermax movie, we’d imagine it’ll be the Green Arrow one that bites the dust, as production on the film has been slow, and Warner already has another Arrow film in the works, which will be a more traditional superhero effort. Whatever happens, it sounds like there’s going to be some sort of supernatural Supermax movie in the future.