Is it just me or does Barry Manilow look like he should be living in a Bird Of Prey centre? Despite his rather scary looking face, news has arrived via Variety that Michael Stipe and Tom Hanks are hoping to produce a romantic comedy that will exploit the back catalogue of the Mandy singer.
Bazza has pledged his support and songs to the project, which will apparently follow intersecting lovey-dovey storylines about Manilow fans converging on Las Vegas for a major concert their idol is going to perform. And just to get you even more excited, Barry will apparently play a song or two in the movie.
Now that you’ve woken up from your swooning and want to know more, it’s being reported that the film won’t be a full-on musical, but instead closer in tone to Love Actually, but shot through with Manilow tunes in the background.
It’s a shame really, as initially we’d hoped it’d be a biopic, because we’ve always been kind of intrigued by how Manilow went from playing the piano for Bette Midler in gay bathhouses before either of them were famous, to a mega-selling global music star (with a falcon’s face). Surely that’d be a more interesting movie?