WTF? It seems that Sam Rockwell and director Jared Hess (Napoleon Dynamite) want us to think they’re kooky, but in these webspots they come off as more certificably insane. The first features the duo on the set of Gentlemen Broncos, goofing around and just generally being strange, while the second is about Jemaine Clement wondering whether he was hired because he looked like Hess. We’d better tell you a bit about the film, because while the webspot is kind of fun, it tells you bugger all about the movie. Gentlemen Broncos stars Michael Angarano as a misfit kid who gets into battle against a famous sci-fi writer when the pompous author steals one of his stories. You can CLICK HERE to watch the trailer (which is great fun – especially Sam Rockwell as a transvesite sci-fi hero), or click below to watch the bizarre webspots.