There’s been a bit of a lull in the remakes of Asian films in the last year or so. After the English-language version of The Ring struck big, it seemed that as soon as anyone put anything on camera in Asia, Hollywood had to do its own version. It was getting to the point where we were half expecting American remakes of Japanese peoples’ holiday videos.
However despite numerous remake failures (Dark Water, One Missed Call, The Eye, Pulse), Hollywood hasn’t given up on Japan completely, and Variety is reporting that Dreamworks is still working on a new version of the movie 2003 movie, Yomigaeri (meaning Resurection in English), which is currently going under the name of Rainbow Bridge.
The original is about an inspector who has to investigate after a boy returns to his mother after going missing for 58 years. It’s a situation that gets ever more complicated when more and more people starts coming back from the dead and returning to their loved ones.
So who do you get to write the script for a supernatural movie that’s a bit creepy but also rather sentimental? Bruce Joel Rubin, that’s who. He’s a great fit for the material, having won an Oscar for Ghost, as well as working on movies ranging from Jacob’s Ladder to the recently released The Time Traveler’s Wife. He’ll be replacing William Nicholson (Gladiator), who did the first drafts of the script.
There’s no news on cast yet, or indeed when Dreamworks is hoping to get the film into cinemas.