It might only be 10 years since Roland Emmerich raised the bar on the over the top ridiculouness that blockbuster entertainment could achieve with his version of Godzilla, but Bloody Disgusting is reporting that the giant city-bashing lizard may be about to get another Americanized go-around.
While this news is sure to raise the ire of many a geek who’ll wonder what the point is, the fact is there’s a lot of money to be made from giant monsters destroying cities, and with Emmerich’s movie having disappeared into the furthest reaches of people’s memories, it seem Hollywood reckons enough time has passed to give Toho’s finest another chance at mega-budget glory.
The good news is that it’s Legendary Pictures that are allegedly thinking about this reboot. They’re the company behind The Dark Knight and Zach Snyder’s movies, so if you want a Godzilla that respects the original while actually turning it into a worthwhile modern movie, they’re probably the people to do it. At the moment Legendary aren’t commenting on the reports, which suggests there may be some truth to them, as otherwise they’d just say no.
Anyone out there want to see a new Godzilla?