It must be nice to be so famous that laws get passed just because of you. To be fair to George Clooney it’s not like he’s been raging aroung the Italian town of Laglio demanding they completely rewrite their statutes just for him, but the town’s mayor, Roberto Pozzi, has nevertheless introduced a law to help to star out.
Clooney owns the opulent 18th Century lakeside Villa Oleandra in the town, and the new law makes it illegal for people to gather in groups of three or more in sight of Clooney’s house, with on-the-spot fines starting at 19 Euros for the first offense.
The law is both to help the movie star and to make it easier to keep order in the town, which becomes a major haunt for paparazzi and autograph hunters whenever Clooney is in town. George is certainly good the local economy, so it’s in the town’s interest to keep him happy. Things have been particularly hectic in the last few weeks because of the movie stars’ new romance with Italian TV actress Elisabetta Canalis.
In Variety the mayor commented, “We’ve arrived at the point when hordes of people are yelling his name from the street at the top of their voices,” Pozzi said. “Some of the cheekier ones are even going up and ringing the bell.”