With half of Hollywood in San Diego this weekend for Comic Con, all sorts of interesting nuggets are emerging. The guys over as ComingSoon managed to track down Disney Head Of Production Oren Aviv, who they questioned about the status of the fourth Pirates Of The Caribbean movie.
Previously whever anyone’s been asked, the answer has always been that it’d happen at some point, but no one was sure when, however plans have apparently become slightly more solid, with Aviv revealing that “We’re going to shoot ‘Pirates 4’ in April and May of next year. We are going to release it hopefully in 2011 is the plan.”
Disney is hoping the new film will be the beginning of another Pirates trilogy, although unlike the last two, there won’t be any back-to-back filming of different instalments, with the studio waiting to see how well the fourth film does before commiting to any more.
However don’t expect anything quite as over the top and bombastic as the last two Pirates films, with Aviv saying, “It’s important to get the story right and it’s important to me to scale it down, because we can’t get bigger… I want to kind of reboot the whole thing and bring it down to its core, its essence, just characters.”
And to be honest, that ain’t a bad thing, as it was what was so great about the first film, but got lost in the maelstrom of special effects in the sequels.