Len Wiseman, the director of the first two Underworld movies and Live Free Or Die Hard is working on an adaptation of the graphic novel Shrapnel. The comic is set in a sci-fi future where humans have colonised the solar system and formed a Solar Alliance to govern the planets. The story focuses on Venus, the last rebellious holdout, and a self-exiled former Marine who teaches the colonists how to fight back.
Wiseman was apparently browsing comic book stores with his daughter Lily and came across Shrapnel on the day it was released. He quickly had his agent tie up the rights and he’s now working on a movie version. He hopes to make it as a live action film, possibly filming it in 3D.
Although it does sound like it could make a good movie, we wouldn’t be surprised if this one falls by the wayside, as it would be incredibly expensive to mount. It’s likely that the makers are waiting to see how well Avatar does, as if James Cameron’s sci-fi opus is a success, studios will inevitably start looking around for other space operas to bring to the big screen, and Wiseman will be waiting with his Shrapnel adapatation. However if Avatar isn’t an astounding succes, don’t expect this to appear in a cinema near you anytime soon.