Producer Robert Evans has been working on an adaptation of Gerry Anderson’s 1970 live-action TV series, UFO, for a while now, with plans to turn it into a full-on sci-fi movie. It’s now been announced that a rookie director has been hired to make the flick in the form of Matthew Gratzner.
While he might not have directed a film before, he’s done plenty of special effects work on the likes of Armageddon, Pitch Black, The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Hancock, Iron Man and the upcoming Shutter Island. The news is that Gratzner’s already at work on the special effects for the film, even though the money for the movie isn’t in place yet (although if they can get a good promo reel of what the film will look like, that should help get the funding).
Gerry Anderson’s UFO TV series is set in 1980, when the Earth is threatened by an alien race who kidnap and kill humans and use them for body parts. A secret organisation called SHADO (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organization) is set up to deal with the threat. They operate from a secret location beneath a film studio, using their technology to detect incoming UFOs and then destroy the alien interlopers using various space, air and land based methods.
Let’s just hope the film still has people like the wonderful, purple haired woman pictured here, because that’s certainly a banging ‘do.