If you want to make an awful lot of money, it seems the best thing to do is make an Indiana Jones movie. Forbes has now released its list of the top earning men in Hollywood, with George Lucas heading the list of those involved in film, making $170 million between June 2008 and June 2009 (Oprah made the most overall with $275 million). After Lucas came Steven Spielberg, who walked away with $150 million.
That comes of top of the recent news that Harrison Ford was last year’s highest paid movie star, making $65 million. So yes, making Indiana Jones seems to be the best way to make an awful lot of cash – although it does make you wonder, if the director, producer and star are earning that much (although admittedly some of their earners weren’t just from Indy IV), how much cash did the studio actually make?
Others on the list include Jerry Bruckheimer with $100 million, Jerry Seinfeld with $85 million and Law & Order producer Dick Wolf with $75 million. Also right up there was Tyler Perry, whose self produced films have proven amazingly popular among African American audiences, even though they’re all critically panned and don’t even get released at all in Britain. He made a very impressive $75 million, due to the fact his deal with Lionsgate allows him to keep most of the money from his movies!
For the full top 15 highest-earning men in Hollywood, head over to Forbes.