It’s been announced that Emily Blunt will be joining Matt Damon in the sci-fi flick The Adjustment Bureau. Adapted from the Philip K Dick short story, The Adjustment Team, it follows an up and coming congressman (Damon) who meets a beautiful ballet dancer (Blunt), only to discover that strange circumstances keep them apart. It’s a story where much of the success relies on the twist, so hopefully they’ll pull it off well in the movie.
The film is set to be the directorial debut of Goeroge Nolfi, who up until now has been best knownn as the screenwriter of Ocean’s Twelve, The Sentinel and The Bourne Ultimatum.
While adapting Philip K. Dick stories is a popular pastime in Hollywood, very few have been a success (Blade Runner and Total Recall excluded). While this one should be more straightforward to adapt than many, it’s still difficult to know how well it’ll work on screen. We should able to find out sometime next year when The Adjustment Bureau hits cinemas.