Sony doesn’t seem to want to give up on Moneyball. A few weeks ago they put the movie on hold three days before it was due to start filming (with Steven Soderbergh directing and Brad Pitt starring), worried that the latest version of the script was too uncommericial. Soderbergh then tried and failed to take the movie to another studio and shortly afterwards it was announced he was no longer involved in the film. It seemed at the time that the movie was dead, but now that doesn’t appear to be true, as Aaron Sorkin, the man behind The West Wing and A Few Good Men, has been asked to come in and have another go at the screenplay.
Apparently Brad Pitt is still attached to star, but as he has asript approval he could still walk away from the project before it actually goes before the cameras. Sony must really think there’s something in Moneyball though that’s worth fighting for, as most studios woulld have given up by now. However as they’ve already spent more than $10 million in pre-production fees, they may now just be trying to find a way not to have to completely write that cash off.