In what is a textbook case of how to get randy teenage boys excited, Jennifer’s Body has been revving up the hype with blood-drenched photos, a gory and seductive red band trailer and now a sexy new poster. While the first poster sold the horror angle, this one sells the sex, with Megan Fox outdoing herself in a sexy schoolgirl outfit, while perched provacatively on the edge of a desk. Even the writing on the blackboard, ‘Hell Yes!’, seems to designed to pre-empt male hormonal slavering, with only the hand poking out of the desk suggesting all may not be what it appears. The image was first released by BloodyDisgusting, so take a look at it below, get your drooling out of the way, and then click over the the horror site for a larger version. The movies itself, which features Fox as young woman posessed by a demon, who starts devouring all the boys in her town, is out on September 12th.