It’s a very unusual situation when we know more about the computer game version of a major blockbuster movie than we do about the film itself. That’s the case with Avatar, James Cameron’s $200 million 3D sci-fi film, where pretty much all we know has been gleaned from info released about the computer game. Indeed nearly enverything James Cameron has said publicly about the film has been in relation to the game (CLICK HERE to see footage where he reveals info about the movie during a talk about the game).
We do know it’s about a group of humans who end up in a fight with the indigenous population of a distant planet and that the title Avatar refers to human/alien hybrids. Sam Worthington plays an injured marine who helps one of these avatars. But that’s about it.
Now some images (apparently concept art for the game) have popped up on, giving us an insight into the dense alien world of both the videogame and the film. They may not tell us much more, but it does make it seem Cameron’s movie could look astonishing when it’s released on December 18th.