There is probably no director alive who announces more movies before dumping them than Robert Rodriguez, however the latest film he says he’s making (well, for the moment anyway) is a live action version of the Jetsons cartoon.
MTV Movies blog recently spoke to him and he confirmed that he was currently working on the film, with hopes that he’d start filming next year. It seems things are at an early stage and that they’re still working on the script. Rodriguez didn’t let slip on any possible casting choices or plot details for the movie.
To de honest, we’ll believe it when we see, as Barbarella is only the latest film that Rodriguez has said he’ll be making only to later drop out. Part of the problem is that he’s a director who very much wants to do things on his own terms, which often causes problems when trying to work with the usually skittish Hollywood. However a live-action Jetsons might be fun. Hell, it’s got to be better than Sharkboy and Lavagirl.