They seem to be keeping the new G.I. Joe movie under their hats a bit. There’s been a trailer released (, but other than that it’s all a bit of a mytery, perhaps because Paramount/Hasbro are concentrating on Transformers 2, and once that’s released we’ll get saturation Joe.
Incidentally, this isn’t the only movie Hasbro has in the works based on one of their toys/games, with new Cluedo, Stretch Armstrong, Monopoly and Ouija projects in the works. Perhaps most bizarrely is that Peter Berg (Hancock, The Kingdom) is in talks to direct a film based on Battleship. How are they going to make a film based on that, which isn’t just another war movie? As far as we’re aware, real battles don’t invole randomly dropping bombs in the ocean in the desperate hope you hit a ship.
Anyway, take a look below for the International poster for G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra.