Goku, Earth’s greatest champion, bravely defends humanity against an invading race of warriors known as the Saiyans. When the mighty hero falls, his young son Gohan rises up to face the very villains who murdered his father. The battle rages through space to Planet Namek, where Gohan and his overmatched allies risk their lives to defeat the Saiyan warlord Vegeta and the monster known as Frieza!
Dragon Ball Z KAI – Season One is out to own on DVD & Blu-ray from 3rd August.
To be in with a chance of winning the copy of Dragon Ball Z KAI – Season One on Blu-ray that we’ve got to give away, sign in to the site below (or click here to register) and answer the multiple choice question (see below for more details on how to enter). The competition closes on August 17th, 2015, so get answering and good luck!