“The NeverEnding Story”, the cinematic classic about a young boy who borrows a mysterious, ornately-bound book, who never dreamed turning a page would draw him into a shimmering fantasy world of racing snails, hang-glider bats, soaring luckdragons, puckish elves, a Childlike Empress, the brave warrior Atreyu and a slab-faced walking quarry called a Rock Biter, celebrates it’s 30th anniversary with a Warner Bros. Home Entertainment’s (WBHE) Blu-ray release out now.
This anniversary edition contains never-before-seen special features in the UK including a reimagining of “The NeverEnding Story, commentary by Wolfgang Petersen, the making of, the1984 SWR Documentary “A World of Fantasies and more.
Available to order on Amazon today: http://amzn.to/1pgHePh
For your chance to win the copy of The Neverending Story on Blu-ray that we’ve got to give away, sign in to the site below (or click here to register) and answer the multiple choice question (see below for more details on how to enter). The competition closes on November 6th, 2014, so get answering and good luck!
© 1984 A Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved
HOW TO ENTER: This competition is open to all registered Movie Muser members who live in the UK. Its free to register and obligation free, and once youve signed up to the site, youll be able to enter any other competitions we run, plus post comments, join in on the forum or even have your own film blog. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. If youre already a member, sign in below and answer the multiple choice question in the grey box, click enter, and youre done!
This competition closes at 11.59pm on November 6th, 2014. Competition open to UK residents aged 15 or over. (For general competition terms and conditions, privacy policy and site T&Cs, CLICK HERE)