The always busy James Franco has decided to add another film to the movies he’s got percolating, as Lit Reactor reports he’s optioned the novel Rant, by Fight Club author Chuck Pahlaniuk.
The writer is quoted as saying, “As of last night we’ve finalized a deal for James Franco to option my novel Rant. Details about the casting, shooting and a proposed release date will be forthcoming. Hurray. After the opportunity to work with Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Sam Rockwell, I can’t imagine a more exciting actor to work with than Franco.
While Pahlaniuk’s book are never straightforward, some have said his 2008 novel Rant is his strangest. The book takes the form of an oral biography that tells the story of Buster ‘Rant’ Casey, as pieced together by memories from friends and family members after his death. Casey is born with hyper-acute senses of smell and taste, and lives in a dystopian future where the big city he moves to is divided into two classes, the respectable Daytimers and the oppressed Nighttimers.
Casey takes up a deadly sport called ‘Party Crashing’, where players have to find cars bearing certain markers and then crash into them. He also ends up unleashing a nationwide rabies-like epidemic.
It’s not clear whether Franco plans to direct himself – it’s rather different to anything he’s decided to helme before – or whether this is just one he hopes to star in.