It’s got a great cast, now it could do with a name. The untitled film previously called Loomis Fargo already has Zach Galifianakis, Owen Wilson and Kristen Wiig attached to star, and now they may be joined by Jason Sudeikis, who is in talks to star.
The movie is loosely based on a true story about an armoured truck driver (Galifianakis) who is convinced to help participate in a $17 million robbery. However his partners are quick to turn on him once the job is done and leave him stranded in Mexico while they go off to live the high life. Then its time to settle the score.
Wilson is set to play the leader of the half-baked criminal, while Wiig will be Galifianakis’ love interest. It’s not clear who Sudeikis will be.
Assuming he signs on the dotted line, Jason will be on the film’s set when it starts shooting in July, with Jared Hess directing. (Source: Variety)